of all things ...

so during the typhoon, a huge plastic thing had blown behind my house (made a very large noise) and today my supervisor came to check it out. ended up tearing the whole thing apart, never knew where it came from but that it wasnt needed! anyways, he was checking out some other stuff on the outside (with the lady from the office and my neighbor) and low and behold they discover, not one, but multiple bee nests (although they look like some form of wasps). u know, i can handle the spiders, no biggie, and the mosquitos can be annoying, but bees! why bees! i hate them!! so i need to buy some good killer spray and my supervisor said he would take care of it. oye! yada yada yada (yada means, no good!).

other news ... i may actually make some friends in this town! in all my classes i always end up telling them my favorite sport is volleyball. well low and behold, one of my students (i had actually been helping her with the speech contest, she won! woo hoo) said her mother plays at the local gym and that she said i should go! well i met her mom at the speech contest, and of course she said that i should definatley come, its every week, tuesday and friday. today i decided to go. i was a little hesitant because i didnt know anyone, and wasnt sure of my students mom was going, and just didnt know what to do when i got there. but i went and ended up having a blast! there were loads of people there, had no idea kanagi had so many young people! i was randomly assigned to a team (theres about 8 - 10 teams), i sucked really bad, but as everyone is japanese they all told me how good i was! ha, yeah right! but they did say that they were glad i came and that they look forward to playing with me. i saw a few of my students there because they were doing judo at the same time, met some of my students parents, and even saw one of my elementary school teachers there! it was really cool, and a good work out! definately a good way to finally get to know people in the community! yay for activities that dont necessarily require constant japanese but helps me practice it during down time!

anyways, just feel really good tonight! :-P

now lets see if i can actually stay awake during work tomorrow! oye, no classes!


Jack said...

awww, yay! you're playing volleyball again! i can't wait to get out on a court myself! so envious!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you are playing again and i know that all your skills will come back very quickly! miss ya and big hugs

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