japan rules the hanabi!

man ... the japanese really know how to do fireworks! i'm pretty much out in the sticks (well sort of) and last night i saw one of the best fireworks shows i've ever seen. right now the infamous nebuta festival is going on all over the prefrecture - check it out - (http://www.jomon.ne.jp/~kusumi/aomori/nebuta/nebuta.htm & http://www.nebuta.or.jp/english/index_e.htm)
and last night was no exception for goshogawara. they have a special nebuta called tachi nebuta and you scream ya-te-ma-re over and over again. really fun! and they have super awesome fireworks. it pretty much looked like the grand finale each time! wouldn't even know how to explain it.

other news = i officially have my official seal to sign official documents :P the japanese have what's called a hanco or inkan and it's a little stamp that has your name on it fitted into a circle. well whenever you are told to sign something, they really mean stamp you name. i had mine registered yesterday. if you lose it, then anyone can essentially sign you name, so it's best not to. i wanted to use the one my host brother and sister-in-law got for me last year, but i guess i have to use the one the office got for me.

it's still cloudy. people say it's usually quite clear here, but ever since i got here it's been cloudy, rainy, and freaking humid! i've never sweated so much doing so little. something as easy as walking up a few flights of stairs and i start dripping like a shower! it's rediculous.

alright, back to the desk to do no work again ... i can't believe i get paid more than most japanese who just got out of college do when i do so little. but i guess that's just the way it is!

oh yeah, i won't be posting for a few days or be at home because i'm going to aomori city to participate in the huge nebuta festival parade (this is more of a note for mom than anyone else, she knows what i mean :P)


JackandJel said...

so are the photos in liz' website the house you're living in now? pretty nifty, i'd say.

hope you have partying it up in aomori city.

be safe.

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