it might be cooling off

so, now that everyone has finished washing off the graves of their loved ones/ancestors, they say it might start cooling off and go into a quick fall. if only! sweating in your own home isn't a whole lot of fun, but what are you going to do right?

if you'd like to read about all the juicy details from this last weekend, then read on ...

sorry, no juicy details - 1st weekend i didn't really party since coming to japan. i know you're terribly disappointed, but i did accomplish some stuff this weekend. friday night, chilled at my house and read musashi. if you haven't read it, let me suggest it to you. it's a really long book, and it took me a while to get into but, now that i am, i absolutely love it! it's a great book with an excellent story line and good lessons.

saturday, i duked it out with my house. i was very lucky with my predecessor because i was able to move into a clean house (i know of other jets who were shafted by there predecessors who left their place a mess). however, after further inspection, i realized the place needed a little bit of spring cleaning, especially the kitchen. visually it was fine, but whenever i touched any of the buttons or appliances my hands would get sticky and i had to wash them. i don't know what caused it, but i ended up cleaning this film that coated everything - perhaps from the kerosene heater during the winter, i don't know. all i know is that it took me freaking 3 hours (at least) just to clean the kitchen, mind you i was being very nit-picky about it. the plan was to spend the morning cleaning and then explore my town in the afternoon. well when i finally finished cleaning around 6 in the evening, i was spent and just took the rest of the night off on my couch!

sunday, i went down to hirosaki with a friend. it was raining all day off and on, and being the smart graduates that we are, we forgot our umbrellas. but after buying them, we went to hirosaki castle and explored the gardens (castle was closed) and it was beautiful! then we had fun driving around the city. hirosaki is a really nice city, i'd like to spend more time exploring it. while we were there, i saw the most narrow street i'd ever seen! we were brushing the bushes as we drove by, no joke! it was insane! if another car had come, well then we'd have to play chicken or one of us would have had to wait. also did some grocery shopping and plan on cooking this week after being inspired by some things i saw on tv. although, aomori orientation is this week, so i really won't have much time to :P

i think i'll be buying a digital camera soon (this week or next week), so be prepared for some pictures!! ooh la la! ok, bye (^-^)


Anonymous said...

Sounds like what I did this weekend! I am really looking forward to seeing your awesome Pictures!

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