alright, time for my first post in Japan

It is now Tuesday, 6:24 am, and yes, I am suffering from a bit of Jet lag unlike my last trip to Japan in which there was no such thing. The flight over was actually fantastic, didn't even feel like 12 hours and got to sit next to a really nice guy going to Hokkaido which helped the hours go by. There was only one time when I got nervous on the plane, and that was when we landed and it felt like the plane shifted to the left all of sudden - everyone on the plane kind of took a gasp.

After we arrived at the airport, waited for the luggage and didn't have to wait long (thank goodness, because that's the worst part of an airplane ride is waiting for the damn luggage!). Then went through customs, and can we say I could have smuggled anything I wanted to into the country!! The guy looked at me, looked at my luggage, and said, "Is this all of it? It looks quite heavy." He kind of patted the luggage then sent me on my way.

Then we were herded like sheep into the bus line. Sent one piece of luggage off to our homes and took one with us to the hotel for orientation. Bus ride took about an hour and a half. It was fun watching everyone's reactions to their first time in Japan. "Wow, look at the signs, they looks so different." "That building looks interesting." And other comments that showed their excitment and probably masking a bit of nervousness that I felt my first time in Japan last year. This time, it almost felt like I was coming back to my second home. It was surreal, but nice.

Well, we get to the hotel and it is very nice!! Check it out if you want to at (there may be an English button to click on). My roommate is someone from prefrecture. Very cool lady. The first night we had free, so Ann and I met up with some Soka friends along with a friend we met at the pre-departure orientation. It was all fun, but I was exhausted so a little out of it. Yesterday, we had to sit through speech after speech, presentation after presentation. There were a few good speakers ... some who mentioned why they started studying English, the motivation being a pretty lady teacher. That got some good laughs. I think that's the reason I was soooooo tired last night, because of all the sitting and listening. I was going to go out, but instead I went up to the hotel bar, had a drink then went to bed.

And now, it is 6:35 am and for anyone who knows me, you know I would not be up this early on my own for any reason unless I had to be somewhere, which I don't until 9. So I think this is the Jet lag, considering it's 2 pm back at home and I would definately be awake no problem. Alright, well I think that's it for now. Don't have a digital camera yet, so y'all have to wait for pictures.

Oh yeah, funny thing happened my first day at the hotel. I was in the elevator going down to the lobby. There was a Japanese couple in the elevator and I looked at them and smiled. Well the Japanese dude looked at me and frowned with this pouty lip sticking out. Have no idea why he was doing that, but his wife was commenting on my bag from Kyoto that my host mom bought for me last year. Couldn't help but laugh when I got off the elevator.


JackandJel said...

My you're a busy bee and you just got there. Well we're both glad you made it safely there. Eeek on the final stage of the flight. I would have been screaming like a banshee.

Have fun!

Bro Jack & Sis A

Anonymous said...

Your off in the big world, it is so exciting to see everything through your eyes! I am excited to journey along with you.
love hugs and more hugs mom

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