2 in a row! check below for yesterday's blog in case you didn't see it :)

this blog usually focuses on my adventures in japan, but this entry will branch out just a little.

i can't believe what i just read in the news http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/19/washington/19health.html?_r=1&hp&oref=slogin.
what kind of country and what kind of president would ever think of denying children health insurance? it is absolutely preposterous to me; these kids are the country's future and we aren't willing to invest more to ensure their health?! are only rich kids allowed to benefit from America's (insufficient) health system? the president and said veto supporters think it will lead people to draw out of private insurance and depend on the goverment for funds ... who cares?!?!they are kids! all children, no matter what economic situation they are forced into (because you know, kids can't determine how much their parents make nor can they determine their parents' choices about health insurance or anything else for that matter), should have health coverage. this veto directly attacks children and takes advantage of their vulnerabilities. parents from middle class families with sufficient funds for private insurance make bad choices sometimes (drugs, alcohol, gambling, stocks, etc.), and the children should not have to suffer because of those choices. in japan, this would be unheard of; EVERYONE here has insurance, including me ... at the very least, ALL children should have coverage. President Bush, you have one year left and this is how you are going to spend it? You should be ashamed of yourself.


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