Happy May 1st!

It's May, it's warm, flowers are blooming, and skies are blue! Isn't it great?! Well I have been in Japan a little over 9 months now and sometimes it still feels like I just got here. It's amazing how time flies when you are having a good time!

Last weekend was great ~ Friday night, we all went to Dai hachi for some good food and drink. Then on Saturday we headed down to Hirosaki park to lay out under the (not yet blossiming) cherry trees and soak up some sun, eat festival food, and partake in the oh so celebrated yearly event known as hanami (litterally flower viewing, but usually just means hanging out with a bunch of friends under [hopefully] blooming trees and drinking). There were a few ambulances that went by, most likely due to alcohol poisoning because some just drink far too much at these things, but other than that the atmosphere was festive. We had people come by and play drums and do tradiational dance, or at least what appeared to be traditional dance. After it got dark we all headed back. Sunday I cleaned house (again) and then had dinner and watched "The 40 year old virgin" with Becky. Man that movie is hilarious!

Today I'm heading down to Hirosaki park again and then tomorrow people will be coming up to Kanagi to view a fireworks display. Then Golden Week starts ~ essentially a 5-day weekend that is enjoyed by most people in Japan, except for the poor souls that actually have to work during that time. My plans have not been set in concrete yet, but I imagine they will include hanami and relaxation!

I have uploaded some of the pictures from the weekend onto my photos page, but here are couple of photos from the weekend:

Here's Dan, Yuki, Chris, Me, and Midor in front of Hirosaki Castle and the barely budding Cherry Blossom Trees.

Hanami relaxation with Mandy and Aki, and I think that's Paul off to the left.


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