the sun is shining!

Yup, that's right ... there's talk that the worst of the winter is over people. The sun has been shining on and off for the last week, the snow has been melting, and my house was actually 10 degrees celsius (50 farenheit) in my house when i got home from work yesterday. now thats just freaking amazing! i havent had to shovel for over a week now and there's a good chance that i wont have to from now on. this weekend, we had beautiful blue skies and and could see for miles and miles and you know what? this places looks completely different when the sun is shining, you'd think you were in a different place all together. the only downside to all of this fantastic weather is that the snow on the hill is turning to crap and i dont know how many more times im gonna get on the board before the season is over. but im welcoming the blue skies and sunshine with open arms.

other news ... it looks as if my schedule is going to be completely different next year. i'm loosing one of my junior high schools and elementary schools to eric (both of the kanagi ones near my house) and getting 4 new schools (3 elementary and 1 junior high school) that are all at least 15 -20 minutes away. in november i might have been a little relieved to hear this but now im used to the schools and actually really enjoy them. i do get to keep my favorite school but it looks as if that will also be changing significantly with new teachers coming and old ones leaving, including one of my English teachers.

so just as i was getting used my current schedule, ill be getting a new one. but i guess thats the life of teachers in japan. unlike america, most teachers (not of their own choice) are moved from school to school usually every 3 - 5 years and the longest they can stay is 10 years. no one knows the actual reasoning behind it, but a friend made a good point that because of how the working conditions are for teachers here (they all share the same office and have to interact all of the time), being able to move schools is only fair because if u get stuck with a bunch of teachers that u dont get along with, at least u know u wont be there forever and u dont get bitter. so everyone tries their best to get along. everything is transient and thats life! although it does mean that ill have to do a lot more self-introductions and get used to an entirely new schedule again ~ oye!

well thats my two cents for the day (or week). hope you all are doing well! ill be enjoying the blue skies and cool temperatures as much as i can because i know come summer time, im gonna be dieing of the heat again and just "loving" that whole sweating in my house without even doing anything bit



Anonymous said...

Change seems to happen whether you want it to or not. It's just another oportunity. Glad to see your not shoveling snow.

.fLoOreDFuN. said...

yay! no more guys up in kanagi should unionise against the weather. I know that it's not going to change anything, but at least you'll have the feeling of being 'organized' against the snow and the snow-storms.

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