shape up!

get ready for another snow (shoveling) post ...

so you know how i said there was a bit of a melt going on? well thats all well and done. This weekend it snowed and snowed and snowed, and just wouldn't stop until it dumped the most in one day during this entire winter. so you can imagine my surprise after waking up this morning and finding my car and house just burried in snow (mind u i had just shoveled the day before). luckily when i was about to start, one of the sgi ladies in town was walking down my street and saw and offered to help. she ended up helping me the entire time and what would have taken me at least 3 hours turned into an hour and half. she said she was happy to do it because it's good for "shape up!" hehe.

let me tell ya though, i thought i got up early this morning (started shoveling around 9) but aparently not early enough. all the nearest dumps were already full so my first dilema was trying to figure where in the heck i was going to put all of the snow. finally figured that out and then i had a brilliant idea for an invention for my town ... so we have to put the snow in the dumps that are on the side of the street and are about 4 or 5 feet deep. well on heavy snow days they fill up pretty fast. so my idea is to have compressors in them so that the snow can be smashed down as much as possible to allow for more snow to put in because most of snow is just air, or at least it seems like it. but alas, i dont think my town would have enough money for that, so we'll just continue shoveling out our houses, filling up the dumps, and shoveling the dumps so we can put more snow in it.

i miss blue skies. when i was in california i used to love it when it rained and was all cloudy. but i think i can count the amount of clear sunny days that we've had here on both of my hands. i never really think about it until i see a patch of blue ski and im like, wow ... it's blue, with this really glazed look on my face. i feel like im the fish in finding nemo when they see the light down at the dark and they just want to touch it. but at least after a good snow fall it is really beautiful out.

what else ... i know there was more i wanted to blog about but i cant remember right now. sorry ... maybe later :-P


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