slipping and sliding

How to drive on ice:

1) drive really slow ~ no faster than 15-30 mph

2) leave lots of space between you and the car in front of you

3) don't put your breaks on suddenly, instead pump your breaks gently and if you start to slide than let off the break and the car should straighten itself out

i learned my lesson with these back in california and have since been very good on the roads here. people i know had to learn their lesson from the next few:

4) don't mess with your cell phone/i-pod/other electronical devices

5) avoid sneezing, sudden jerks of the steering wheel aren't good

6) avoid pedestrians slipping and sliding all over the rode

7) keep all pets in the backseat ... actually best to leave them home

8) forget all of the above and just stay home yourself ... who knows if everyone else knows these tips!

so yeah, usually the tsugaru area is plagued with white-out blizzards but because of the snow, traction on the roads isn't so bad. but recently, it's been one huge ice band out here. i don't often get road rage, but there this one guy who was following my car so closely on the ice, i was about to pull over and ... well do something! it's perfectly acceptable to do that during blizzards because you need to in order to see the lights and have some sort of direction, but on ice ~ come on!! dude!


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