well, i finally evicted the roommate. i saw it in my bathroom (for the first time), i think it was dieing though because it didn't move when i got near it, but i didn't have the heart to kill outright like my friends said, so instead i put it in tuperwear and took it out to the rice fields. say farewell everyone ...
i never get squeely (well rarely) but this made me squeel!
here's me officially 23, out with my girlfriends for a birthday dinner
last weekend i spent most my time out in fukuaura. saturday went hiking in the shirakami with friends and man, i'm freaking sore now! and i have a battlewound on my shin (decided it would be a good idea to overstep and let my shin fall on a rigid rock, who else wouldn't want to break their skin on the way down? oye!). but, none the less, it was a beautiful hike! was even able to see some color changes.

Great to see your blog up and running again! love the pictures and you look really great!! Who is that girl in the middle at the birthday gathering in the black jacket?
Oh my gosh Allison, I clicked on the picture with you and your friends at your birthday party and you look like WOW totally beautiful! I almost didnt recognize you with all your weight lost! mama mia! beautiful, I am so proud of you!
you're looking awesome! all those extracurricular activities are definitely keeping you in tip top shape and giving you glow, sister! i wish we were there to celebrate with you...
about the mouse....EEEEEEEK!
r.i.p mr. mouse. alas, you weren't paying for your share of the rent and food. you are, therefore, evicted.
damn, girl! You look awesome! Ditto to the momma and the other comments.
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