man it's warm!

well as you could guess from ann's last post, i'm in tokyo and you know what? it's the first time i've been in a place with no snow since november! yup, you read correctly, november! it's crazy but im enjoying it! yesterday, arrived early and waited for ann by drinking cafe mocha in starbucks and reading. then ended up hanging out with ann and had some good ole TGIFridays and it was crazy. i seriously felt like i was back in america because the menu was all in english and there were loads of foreigners in there and it was actually kind of nice :-P

today i was supposed to meet up with ann again, but she got sick :( she's fine now but not without a trip to the hosipital and an iv drip ... so everyone send her cards and stuff! so while ann was sick, i spent the day in shibuya. and for most of you who might not know what shibuya is, it's crazy!!! it's the place with the huge tv on the side of a building (u know from the movie lost in translation and others too im sure) and with more young people in one place than i've ever seen in japan or, anywhere for that matter, before. and so many foreigners too!!! well went to starbucks again and read a while. then headed to tower records and spent like 3 hours in there and ended up buying 6 cds ... something i havent done in i dont know how long. then walked around and discovered that shibuya has a subways - the sandwhich shop, el torito (actually saw that yesterday), claire's accessories, wendy's, hagen daaz, and the body shop!!!! so i did a little shopping :P i wouldnt want to spend a whole lot of time here, but its definately a really cool place to come to every once in a while. you dont really feel like your in japan, but in a way you do, i don't know its weird. but cool! hee

now im back at naomi's listening to one of the cds i bought, Rachael Yamagata - Happenstance. She sings one of the songs from Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants that i really like and the other stuff is pretty good to.

tomorrow, i'm supposed to meet up with andy and then with some other soka peeps for dinner so im excited about that. ann get well soon so u can come join!!

not looking forward to going back home because i hear they are getting loads of snow!!! you know, snow is cool and all but if it stopped snowing now, i wouldn't be too sad. maybe the snow around my house will magically disappear ... hehe ... hey, a girl can hope right! until then, i'll enjoy tokyo and the warmth even though they think its cold here.


JackandJel said...

awww i'm so glad you got a chance to take this tokyo excursion and got to have a bit of home and some familiarity...and no snow for a few days. :) snow is beautiful...but all the walking in, driving in, and in your case, hours of shoveling...can take its toll.
and i LOVE rachael yamagata... hee. her music haunts.

luv u
j & a

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear about Ann! I am very happy though that you get to warm up your bones a bit and hang out and have some fun! Miss ya and love ya !

GL said...

Happy New Year! My gift is coming...for you and Ann, whenever I get her addy from Jess...:D Love you!

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